St Paul's Darien Church Connecticut

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What's NEXT for me?

Take the next steps and get more involved at St. Paul’s Darien.
We are all at different stages of life and spiritual development at St. Paul’s Darien.  If you are exploring God and our church for the first time or are a member yearning to get more involved, here is a helpful guide.


Experience God.  Are you in the midst of pain, heartache, or disappointment and need God?  Do you long to experience God in a fresher, deeper way?  Do you want to be part of a vibrant and growing church

                      community?  Come to one of our worship services and see why St. Paul’s is so unique.


Become a member! Maybe you’ve been here for a while and you’re ready to take the next step by joining St. Paul’s Darien.  If you would like to request church membership, or have questions about membership,

                      please talk to a clergy!


Learn With Others.  At St. Paul’s we want you to grow in your relationship with God by being part of a small group, volunteering, or a mission station.  In learning with others, you will be able to understand the

                      Bible better and share your faith with confidence.  Click on Small Groups, Volunteer Opportunities, or

                      Mission Stations to get involved.


Help Others.  We know God brought you to St. Paul’s Darien for a reason.  By getting involved in congregational volunteer or leadership roles, being part of a local mission station or creating one, going

                      on short term mission trips, and/or participating in special events throughout the year, you have many

                      opportunities to put your spiritual gifts to good use.



471 Mansfield Avenue Darien, CT 06820 - Click for Map
Phone Number:  203-655-8773 | Fax Number: 203-655-7831
Contact Us: [email protected] | Visit Contact Page

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