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VBS, Special Events, Registration & First Time Visitors Teens at St. Paul’s are not casual observers. They are full participants in the life and work of the church. They want to be challenged more than they want to be entertained. So we offer many ways to learn about Christ, grow in His power, have fellowship with other teens and be involved with the church and community. These activities include weekly Youth Group, Confirmation, Vacation Bible School, and many Special Events.
VBS, Special Events, Registration & First Time Visitors Teens at St. Paul’s are not casual observers. They are full participants in the life and work of the church. They want to be challenged more than they want to be entertained. So we offer many ways to learn about Christ, grow in His power, have fellowship with other teens and be involved with the church and community. These activities include weekly Youth Group, Confirmation, Vacation Bible School, and many Special Events.
Youth Group
St. Paul’s Youth Group, at its foundation, is a positive, fun, and Christ-centered environment for teens to make friends, have a healthy social outlet, and explore their faith together. Sunday evenings are more like a family dinner than a youth club. We meet once-a-week for home-cooked dinner. From there our youth leaders lead us in worship. Then we break up into groups to dig into a passage of Scripture and talk about life/faith issues. In addition to weekly meetings, the Youth Group is regularly involved with leading adult Sunday worship, volunteering in the community, and participating in mission trips and outings. For more information about our Youth Group, please contact Fr. Jordan Easley at
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, or visit our Facebook Group:
This is a school-year-long course that covers the basics of the Christian faith. The ultimate goal, however, is to help a young person confidently and publicly proclaim a personal faith in Jesus Christ. We do not have Confirmation just because parents expect it or because it seems like the right thing to do. We have Confirmation because it equips our youth to be full members of Christ’s church. If you’d like more information on youth (or adult) Confirmation, please either read the Open Letter to Parents openletterconfirmation.pdf, or
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Vacation Bible School
So many youth have gone through VBS and loved it, that they come back and serve as junior counselors. Some summers we have almost as many volunteers than we have kids! After the youth serve the kids in the morning, we like to thank them for it. So we do things like mini-golf, bowling, go-karts, swimming, and slip’n slide in the afternoon.
Special Events
Because St. Paul’s is a family, many of our “events” arise organically and spontaneously. Also, many of the children and youth events overlap, but a few of the most popular youth events include:
- Back to School Retreat – In past years we’ve camped, we’ve had lock-ins, mostly we’ve taken time to let God prepare us for school.
- Blessing of the Animals – Whole families bring their pets (even pet rocks!) for Fr. Jordan and Fr. Christopher to bless them. This is a motley and fun-packed rite.
- All Saints Family Service – Children and Youth lead all aspects of our worship on this special Sunday—Bible readings, music, prayers, and service around the altar. We’re putting the Hallows back in Halloween and you’ll even see some children/teens dressed up as real saints!
- Fall Service Retreat – This is joint outreach with several youth groups in the area. Our most recent trip was a relief effort for Hurricane Sandy. See video -
- Winter Retreat – Monadnock Retreat Center in Jaffrey, New Hamsphire, hosts us (and hundreds of other youth) for a long weekend of winter games, worship and incredible speakers.
- Community Caroling – Mid December, the whole church goes out after the Sunday service to sing about the birth of Jesus to the town of Darien.
- New Year’s Eve Party – Bring in the New Year right! We dance, we sing, and we have a huge bonfire and celebrate Holy Communion. It’s better than Time Square by leaps and bounds.
- STPSTPSTS – A.k.a. St. Paul’s Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper and Talent Show! Whew! Before Lent begins the church gathers to eat Breakfast for Dinner and entertain each other with our various “talents.” Some of the best talent comes from our teens!
- 30 Hour Famine – Our youth go without food for 30 hours to raise money for truly hungry youth across the world. This is a life-changing event, sponsored by World Vision.
- Easter Vigil – Like the Christmas Pageant… only better. The children/teens lead us in worship in every form – readings, drama, music, and dancing. Only this time we’re celebrating an event even more spectacular than Jesus’ birth – Jesus’ resurrection!
- Father’s Day Picnic – Bring in the summer with the biggest family BBQ of the year!
- Camps Farthest Out – This is a camp unlike any other. It is camp for the whole family to unplug and recharge. Many of our families have gone for years, and they all say their lives have been transformed.
- World Vision Summer Mission Trip – As a youth partner with World Vision and many local churches, we join hundreds of other teens in building relationships and rebuilding houses in rural West Virginia.
The registration and check-in process is important for the safety of your teen and to help us efficiently keep everyone accounted for.
Initial Registration: The first time you visit, you are encouraged to register your teen with our Youth Director, The Reverend Jordan Easley. He will discuss the youth group activity schedule with you/your teen and how to get involved.
First-Time Visitors
Middle and High School students are encouraged to attend the 8:45am or 10:30am worship service with their parents.
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