St Paul's Darien Church Connecticut

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Devotionals ( – An online meta-site, Crosswalk  is an excellent resource for devotionals, speakers, seminars, etc.  It has a collection of sites tailored for any level or life stage…visit it to pick out  your favorites.  Here are two possible sites to start with:

Bible Pathway Ministries ( )

An online daily devotional that helps you read through the entire Bible in just one year…it only takes 15 minutes a day!

Today God Is First ( ) 

An online daily devotional for those in the professional world…you’ll find the devotions timely and apropos to your life/career.

In Touch Ministries ( )

In Touch Ministries publishes a monthly devotional magazine that features a monthly theme, articles, and daily  devotions.  It’s one of the best resources out there!

My Utmost for His Highest by Oswald Chambers ( )

This devotional is a classic and should be read somewhere along your faith journey.


Other Online Resources

  • Anglican TV Ministries — This link provides important news and commentary for the 77 million Anglican Christians worldwide; educates and trains church laypersons in video and Internet technology; and builds up the Body of Christ through the creation, distribution, and promotion of multimedia content.
  • The All Saints Center for Theology — If you want to focus on the critical issues facing the Anglican Church in North America, this is the site to visit.
  • Anglicans for Life — St. Paul's Darien has registered as a Life Affirming church.
  • St. Aidan's Institute — This institute offers lay certificate courses in an online, collaborative environment as well as preparation for the priesthood. 
  •  --- Trinity School for Ministry is an evangelical seminary in the Anglican tradition.  In this fractured world, we desire to be a global center for Christian formation, producing outstanding leaders who can plant, renew, and grow churches that make disciples of Jesus Christ.


471 Mansfield Avenue Darien, CT 06820 - Click for Map
Phone Number:  203-655-8773 | Fax Number: 203-655-7831
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