Outreach is something the Lord Jesus calls His followers to do. It is just part of the Christian faith to live for others. Archbishop William Temple once said that the Christian faith is the only group in history that exists for the benefit of those outside itself.
Outreach at
St. Paul’s has always been of highest value; our mission statement “to know Christ and to make Him known” reflects the essence of outreach. Everything we do is measured by how well an activity helps us to know Christ and to share Christ.
For three weeks this summer a service to children and their parents will be held at
St. Paul’s. It is called Camp Mighty Mind. The founders, Aileen Tisser, MA, PT and
Cindy Freedman, OTR, approached us to host this camp for children with special needs. When they heard we would welcome the camp and would like to minster in the name of the Lord, their response was emphatic: “That’s the one missing component! Yes, please come and pray for us.” So, each day of the camp will begin with chapel and each child will receive the laying on of hands for healing. There is a need for volunteers to help with the chapel. If you are interested, please call the church office.
Please pray for this unique opportunity. The camp will be held at
St. Paul’s beginning on July 26 and ending August 13th.
Your brother in Christ,
The Rev. Christopher P. Leighton