St Paul's Darien Church Connecticut

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Small Groups

Home Groups at St. Paul's

Darien Home Group

Darien: Wednesday nights at the church, 7-9pm. They are studying the Book of Daniel.

Contact: Daphne White at:


Darien: Every other Friday night at the Hadlow’s 7-9pm.

Contact: Paul or Lisa Hadlow at:


Fairfield Home Group

Fairfield: Every other Sunday night 6-8-m at rotating homes.

They are studying The Good and Beautiful Life by James Byron Smith.

Contact: Colleen Swedberg at


New Canaan Group

New Canaan: Monday Nights at 7:30pm. They are studying the Gospel of Luke.

Contact: Bob Cerretani (203) 943-3507


Norwalk Home Group

Norwalk: Wed. nights at the Donovan’s, 7:30-9pm; they are studying the Book of James.

Contact Nancy Donovan at

Small Groups at St. Paul's

Art Groups

(Tuesday/9:30am and Friday/9:30am)


Members gather at the church at 9:30 a.m. on Tuesdays and Fridays to paint and assist one another in bringing out their full creative potential.  No one person teaches, but rather they offer one another ideas and feedback on their latest work.  They also share their recent discoveries, inspirations, frustrations, and prayer requests. 


Contact Susannah Swanson for Tuesday: 


Contact Phyllis Schlemmer for Friday: 

Christian 12-Step Program



For people facing addiction issues, this group meets Fridays to add the power of fellowship to the power of the Holy Spirit and the proven format of the 12-step journey toward recovery and transformation.


Contact Rev. Gail Bowman:  or call (203) 855-8413




471 Mansfield Avenue Darien, CT 06820 - Click for Map
Phone Number:  203-655-8773 | Fax Number: 203-655-7831
Contact Us: | Visit Contact Page

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